- Respect Bharatiya Shiksha , culture, respect parents, elders and teachers and avoid vulgarity in talk and behavior, no matter whatever anybody may call them.
- Are always friendly with others in and out of School, ready to lend a helping hand to their parents, brothers and sisters; in School, to teachers and companions and any unattended visitors they happen to meet in school premises.
- Rise when any teacher or visitor enters any room or place they happen to be in.
- Never quarrel, cheat and be unfair at play and are courteous to and are sportsman like with opposing teams and with officials.
- Know that cruelty and causing pain to others is the trait of a bully while kindness is the mark of gentle boy and girl.
- Never make fun of the old or the poor neither make fun of a companion because of misfortune or handicap which he/she cannot help, for they know that God’s hands rest lovingly on the heads of all these people.
- Respect the beauty of their classroom and the premises and report any damage they may observe.
- Learn and observe good manners in library, laboratories and elsewhere.
- Are always truthful, whatever the cost.
- Instead of lamenting or grumbling over the evils of this world, try to contribute their share in making the world a better place to live in.